Sunday, August 16, 2009

How To Trace A Mobile Phone Number In India?

Tracing a mobile phone number to its location in India is difficult. There are quite a number of hurdles and there aren’t really functional services in India that actually let you pin point and trace a mobile phone number in India.

Reverse lookup services weren’t very accurate when I tried to trace the location of a mobile phone number in India, but they could just help you in finding at least the state where these mobile phones are operating from.


You can use this page on Bharatiyamobile, or this international reverse lookup service from TP2 Location orthis page by Hacktrix that could help you trace a mobile phone number in India. Let me know in the comments if you have had any success with any other service in tracing a mobile phone number in India.


Shutdown Windows Faster than Before

If you experiencing the Windows operating system (including Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista and Windows Longhorn Server) shutdown slowly, and seems like always waiting for a long time before shutting down the computer. The behavior is due to Windows system waits for services to stop after notifying the service that the system is shutting down, when the user issues command to shut down, turn off or restart the computer. Other than that, Windows also wait for the timeout to kill open applications. You can make the Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 and Windows Vista shutdown faster by changing the following settings.

Note: For modification involves registry, you can modify the registry value by using Registry Editor, which can be started by typing “regedit” in Start -> Run box, or by pressing Windows + R buttons.

(I) Reduce the wait time for services to be killed

As mentioned above, Windows will wait for the services to shutdown and kill themselves after notifying the running services to shut down. If not, Windows will wait for the timeout and start killing the still running services. You can reduce the wait time for Windows to kill the persistent services.

  1. Navigate to the following registry branch: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control
  2. On the right pane, double click on ‘WaitToKillServiceTimeout’ or right click on it and choose modify. Change the default value of WaitToKillServiceTimeout of 20000 to lesser value, such as 5000 or even 1000, depending on your preference.
  3. When the value of WaitToKillServiceTimeout expires, the system notifies the user that the service has not stopped, and prompt the user with option to force the service task to stop or continue to wait.

(II) Reduce the wait time for user processes and applications to be killed

As with services, Windows will also wait for a while, depending on WaitToKillAppTimeout setting, before starting to shut down and kill open applications and user processes when the user want to shutdown, restart or log off. The wait time or time out can be reduced to speed up the shutdown process.

  1. Navigate to the following registry branch: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop
  2. On the right pane, double click on WaitToKillAppTimeout (or right click on the registry key and select Modify), and enter a new value which is less than the default value of 20000. The value can be 1000 or 5000 or any other numeric value, depending on your preference. When the WaitToKillAppTimeout registry entry timeout or expires, the End Task dialog box appears, stating that the process did not respond, and allowing user to End the task.
  3. On the right pane also, double click on HungAppTimeout (or right click on the registry key and select Modify) and change the value to less numerical value than 5000 (default value), e.g. 1000. HungAppTimeout specifies how long the system waits for user processes to end after the user clicks the End Task command button in Task Manager or after the user has selected to restart or shutdown the system.
  4. Then navigate to HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop\ registry branch, and do the same as above to change and modify the value of WaitToKillAppTimeout and HungAppTimeout registry keys.

(III) Automatically end, terminate and kill user processes or tasks on shutdown or logoff

Even if you have set the HungAppTimeout registry entry to a very low value, what happen is that when HungAppTimeout time out due to a hung applications or unable to terminate tasks or not responding to the end task request, it will prompt user with a End Task dialog box to ask if user wish to end the process. By changing to the value of registry key AutoEndTasks to 1, we can ask Windows to end all processes that timeout when shut down or log out from Windows automatically, without asking for user input or interaction. Default value of the key is 0, which mean no user processes will end automatically.

AutoEndTasks is located at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop registry branch.


Remove Items from Windows XP Startup

Having too many programs run at startup can slow down the time it takes to log on or restart your computer. It also can be a pain to have 30 different icons in your task bar. This tutorial will show you how to remove the items from Windows XP startup.

Disclaimer: Always try to disable the startup or task bar icons from the menu options on the programs first. After that remove the program from the startup folder on the Start Menu If that doesn’t work, then you can try to remove them using msconfig.

Click on the Start Menu and Select the Run option.
Remove Items from Windows XP Startup

In Run box type msconfig and press enter.
Remove Items from Windows XP Startup

The Windows XP System Configuration Utility windows will open.
Remove Items from Windows XP Startup

Click on the Startup tab to display the programs that run at startup.
Remove Items from Windows XP Startup

Now all you have to do is uncheck the box next to the program name. If the box is clear, the program will no run at startup. Make sure you know what the program does before you disable it.
Remove Items from Windows XP Startup

When you are finished just hit the Apply button and then OK. The next time you restart your computer the programs will not run.

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